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Git Alias: A Collection of Handy Shortcuts for Git Commands


Git Alias Download: A Guide for Beginners

Git is a popular version control system that helps you track changes in your files and collaborate with other developers. Git has many commands and options that can make your workflow faster and easier. However, typing these commands every time can be tedious and error-prone. That's where git alias comes in handy.

git alias download

Git alias is a feature that allows you to create shortcuts for git commands. You can use an alias to run a command with fewer keystrokes or to combine multiple commands into one. For example, instead of typing git commit --amend --no-edit, you can create an alias git cane and use it instead. This can save you time and make your commands more readable.

In this article, we will show you how to create your own git aliases, how to download a file with many useful aliases, and how to use them effectively. Let's get started!

How to create a git alias

To create a git alias, you need to use the git config command. This command lets you set various configuration options for git, including aliases. You can use this command in two ways:

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  • git config --global: This will create an alias that is available for all your repositories.

  • git config --local: This will create an alias that is only available for the current repository.

The syntax for creating an alias is:

git config (--global --local) alias.<alias-name> <command>

The <alias-name> is the name of the shortcut you want to use, and the <command> is the full git command you want to run. You can also use quotes if the command has spaces or special characters.

Here are some examples of creating aliases:

  • git config --global status: This will create an alias git st that runs git status.

  • git config --global checkout: This will create an alias git co that runs git checkout.

  • git config --global branch: This will create an alias git br that runs git branch.

  • git config --global "commit -m": This will create an alias git cm "message" that runs git commit -m "message".

  • git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --oneline": This will create an alias git lg that runs git log --graph --oneline.

How to download a git alias file

If you don't want to create your own aliases, you can download a file that contains many useful and common aliases. One such file is the file, which is a collection of over 200 aliases created by various developers. You can find the file on GitHub at

To download the gitalias file, you need to use the git clone command. This command lets you copy a remote repository to your local machine. The syntax for cloning the gitalias repository is:

git clone

This will create a folder called gitalias in your current directory, which contains the .gitalias file. This file is a plain text file that has the format of a git config file, with sections and key-value pairs.

To install and customize the gitalias file, you need to do the following steps:

  • Copy the .gitalias file to your home directory or any other location you prefer.

  • Edit your .gitconfig file, which is the global configuration file for git. You can find this file in your home directory or use the command git config --global --edit to open it in your default editor.

  • Add a line at the end of the file that says [include], followed by another line that says path = /path/to/.gitalias, where /path/to/ is the location of the .gitalias file you copied. For example, if you copied the file to your home directory, you can write path = /.gitalias.

  • Save and close the .gitconfig file.

  • Optionally, you can edit the .gitalias file to add, delete, or modify any aliases you want. You can also comment out any aliases you don't want to use by adding a # at the beginning of the line.

How to use git aliases

To use a git alias, you simply type git <alias-name>, where <alias-name> is the name of the shortcut you created or downloaded. For example, if you have an alias called cane, you can type git cane instead of git commit --amend --no-edit.

Here are some examples of using aliases for common tasks:

  • git st: This will show the status of your working directory and staging area.

  • git co <branch>: This will switch to another branch or create a new one if it doesn't exist.

  • git cm "message": This will commit your staged changes with a message.

  • git lg: This will show a graphical and concise log of your commit history.

  • git df: This will show the diff of your unstaged changes.

  • git ds: This will show the diff of your staged changes.

Here are some tips and best practices for using aliases:

  • Choose meaningful and memorable names for your aliases. Avoid using names that are too similar to existing git commands or options, as this can cause confusion or conflicts.

  • Use aliases to simplify or automate frequent or complex commands, but don't rely on them too much. You should still know the underlying git commands and how they work, as this will help you troubleshoot any issues or customize your workflow.

  • Test your aliases before using them on important projects. Make sure they work as expected and don't cause any errors or unwanted side effects.

  • Document your aliases and share them with your team if you are working on a collaborative project. This will help everyone use the same shortcuts and conventions, and avoid any misunderstandings or inconsistencies.


Git alias is a powerful feature that can help you speed up and simplify your git workflow. You can create your own aliases using the git config command, or download a file with many useful aliases from the gitalias repository. You can use aliases to run git commands with fewer keystrokes or to combine multiple commands into one. You can also customize and share your aliases with other developers.

Using git aliases can save you time, make your commands more readable, and improve your productivity. However, you should also be careful not to overuse them or forget the original git commands. You should also test and document your aliases before using them on important projects.

If you want to learn more about git alias and other git features, you can check out the official git documentation or some online tutorials and courses. You can also practice your git skills on some interactive platforms or challenges. We hope this article has helped you understand and use git alias better. Happy coding!


What are some advantages of using git aliases over typing the full commands?

Some advantages of using git aliases are:

  • They can save you time and keystrokes, especially for long or complex commands.

  • They can make your commands more readable and understandable, especially for custom or multi-step commands.

  • They can help you avoid typos or mistakes, as you only need to type the alias name once.

  • They can help you remember and use the commands more easily, as you can choose names that are meaningful and memorable for you.

How can I list all the aliases I have created or downloaded?

You can list all the aliases you have created or downloaded by using the command git config --get-regexp alias. This will show you the alias name and the command it runs for each alias. You can also use the option --global or --local to filter the output by scope.

How can I delete or modify an existing alias?

You can delete or modify an existing alias by using the command git config (--global --local) --unset alias.<alias-name>. This will remove the alias from your configuration file. To modify an alias, you can use the same command as creating an alias, but with a different command value. This will overwrite the existing alias with the new one.

How can I create an alias for a complex or multi-step command?

You can create an alias for a complex or multi-step command by using quotes and semicolons to separate the commands. For example, if you want to create an alias that adds all changes, commits them with a message, and pushes them to the remote branch, you can use this command:

git config --global alias.acp "add .; commit -m; push"

How can I share my aliases with other developers?

You can share your aliases with other developers by copying and sending them your .gitalias file or your .gitconfig file (or a part of it). You can also upload your files to a public repository or a gist, and share the link with others. Alternatively, you can use tools like , which help you manage and sync your configuration files across different machines.



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